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Image 12-5-24 at 4.54 PM
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2019 Buskskin AQHA Gelding

15.1 HH

Buttermilk buckskin and such a handsome fella! If you need one that checks all the boxes this sweet, laid back gelding will be the clear winner. Sawyer is a great all around horse that is super versatile, safe, and fun. He is forever forgiving, honest and will ride for anyone that can hold his reins. He has the patience of Job and is very tolerant and unfazed of rider error and miscues. Sawyer has a solid reining foundation with great lead departures, spins, and a deep stop. He knows what a days work is all about and has been a great partner on the ranch as well as in the roping pen. Sawyer ropes both ends in team roping. He is quiet in the box, leaves flat, and will give you an easy shot. Standing a full 15.1 hands he has the bone and size to tackle any task you want. With an amazing one handed neck rein he guides the very best. He nicely side passes, goes through all the trail obstacles, and ground ties where you drop a rein. Sawyer has the cutest, rocking chair lope and a darling, little jog. He’s a push style horse that will slow down just by taking the energy out of your body, yet isn’t hard to get to go without spurs. He looks stellar in English tack and rides English, bareback, and bridle-less just as good as he rides western. Sawyer isn’t spooky and is always gentle without consistently being worked. He’s unalarmed by busy traffic, loud gunfire, blowing tarps, heavy machinery, bicycles, motorcycles, strollers, etc. He is excellent out on the trails by himself or with a group. He walks quietly back to the barn on a loose rein and never looks for his friends. We have gathered, sorted, and roped cattle on Sawyer. He will track, rate and turn on a cow. He’s been around buffalo, longhorns, pigs, camels and all kinds of wildlife. Sawyer would be the perfect horse for a beginner, timid horse owner, or someone needing to regain or build confidence and is trustworthy to pack your family and give you peace of mind. Sawyer’s ground manners are impeccable and he’s always a gentleman. He’s very affectionate and loves human attention. Whether you are brushing, bathing or braiding, he stands like a rock. He will meet you in the pasture and follow you around. Sawyer never has a bad day and is simply charming in every way. He will brighten your days and steal your heart. He makes owning a horse fun, safe, and a positive experience.


Sarah McKibben

Carefree, AZ
Sarah McKibben

Mozaun and Sarah McKibben have dedicated themselves to making and selling fancy horses that have the class, handle and personality everyone is looking for.

Sarah grew up as a city kid from Missouri. Her love and passion for horses began at an early age. She started riding dressage and eventing horses at the local stable and got opportunities to train with top trainers. As long as she could be with horses, her life was complete. Having competed in several disciplines throughout her life, there is one constant, Sarah says any day you can be horseback is a good day. Sarah has won fifteen Amateur and Open American Quarter Horse Association World Championships.