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2019 Gray AQHA Gelding

15.1 HH

Dillon is a fun and versatile horse.

He's ready for a different adventure every day and is adaptable to whatever you throw at him. Take him to the local show one day, sorting or ranch cutting the next day, out on trail the third day, Dillon will make you look good doing it.

This horse is the definition of dependable. Dillon is sensitive and responsive but remains calm and easygoing, no matter the situation. Leave him off for a month, and he’ll stay just as broke and consistent as the day you left him.

He’s very soft in the face and you can ride him bridle-less any time you wish, in the arena, working cattle or even in a huge pasture!

Dillon is very smooth and has a slow jog and slow lope you can sit all day.

 Dillon has been put to the test on the ranch and handled everything with ease. From working cattle to taking in all sorts of desensitization, Dillon is a real good sport who stays calm and collected under pressure.

Dillon is very conformational correct, has straight and clean legs. X-rays on file.

Dillon is the perfect match for someone looking for a dependable, fun, and well-rounded partner. Don’t miss out on this exceptional horse!


Shaula Carboni

Bowie, TX

Shaula's journey with horses began at a very young age. Born and raised in Italy, her connection to these majestic animals was innate—“I was born with the passion for horses,” she says, and there’s no other way to explain it. Her early work experiences included race horses (standardbred), an Arabian horse breeding farm, and English disciplines. 

Eager to expand her knowledge and experience, her path led her to ventured to the United States, where she had the unique opportunity to work with wild mustangs.

Her journey led her to discover and “find herself at home” within the western disciplines.

Shaula’s philosophy centers on making horses as versatile and dependable as possible. She loves exposing them to different scenarios—ensuring they are well-rounded and capable in any situation. But it’s not all work; Shaula also finds peace and joy “getting lost in the woods” on horseback, accompanied by her dogs, reconnecting with nature and her animals in the quietest of moments.

For Shaula, horsemanship is a lifelong endeavor. She is always seeking new knowledge, continuously taking lessons in various disciplines to refine her skills and deepen her understanding of horses. Her approach is a testament to her belief that the journey with horses is never truly complete, and there is always more to learn, discover, and experience.