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2020 Buckskin Paint Registered Gypsy Sport Horse Gelding

15.1 HH

Introducing Cowboy - The Ultimate Gypsy Horse Companion!

Cowboy is a credit to his Gypsy breed. If you're looking for a horse that goes exactly where you point him, rides quietly and safely, and lets you relax on the trail, Cowboy is your horse. Rock solid on trails, he'll cross fallen logs, water, or any obstacle with ease. Whether you ride him daily or just once a month, he remains consistently reliable. Suitable for riders of all levels, Cowboy offers a nice handle, responds well to commands like backing up and stopping, and boasts a smooth trot with a well-balanced lope. A well-built, level-headed gelding who prioritizes his rider's safety. Sound, easy to shoe, good for hauling, with excellent ground manners - he'll make everyone in the family happy. If you're in search of a loyal, dependable, and all-around wonderful horse, Cowboy is the one for you! Owned and trained by A-J Horses!

Lucinda & Lindsey Detweiler

Jamesport, MO
Lucinda and Lindsey Detweiler are the daughters of Alvin Detweiler. His program, A-J Horses, has been renowned for producing exceptional performance and family horses for decades. Raised in a ranch community, the sisters have been integral to the family business since birth. Recently, they have started helping their father sell and train horses. They specialize in quality horses that are as beautifully trained as they are visually stunning. Their horses are ranch-raised and accustomed to equipment, children, dogs, and the bustling environment of a busy operation. These versatile animals perform well both inside and outside the arena.